Welcome to Addaero coaches from the team at Training Tilt.
As you know Addaero will be shutting down at the beginning of May and will no longer be offering their platform. As a very similar platform, we understand the difficulties in providing these services so are very happy to be able to help Addaero and their customers find a new way forward. We've quickly built import tools so you can easily get your workout catalog into Training Tilt to make the process of changing systems a lot less time consuming.
Although the tools are available for you to use straight away we are also offering a full concierge service where we will work with you one on one to take the export files that you can get from Addaero and will import the data for you. See our help center article for more details.
Training Tilt is more than just training plans and workouts, we are an all-in-one branded coaching business platform that includes training plans, website, payments and e-commerce.
We'd love to help so we are offering a lifetime discount for all Addaero coaches. All you need to do is follow the special link using the button below and signup to a trial. Your discount will automatically be applied after your 21 day trial period and you will get a 10% discount for the lifetime of your subscription.
The 10% discount is on every monthly payment for as long as you are using the platform, it is NOT just for your first purchase.
On top of that, we will double your allowed athletes on our "Solo" Plan. The Solo plan normally comes with 20 full access athlete accounts but we will double that to 40 for Addaero coaches.